The Case for Brain Tuning

brain pcm wellbeing Apr 20, 2022

Your brain might well be the most complex object in the universe.

  • This powerhouse represents only about 2% of our body mass but requires 20% of your energy.

  • It has the consistency of tofu (just as a side note, one might consider what happens to a block of tofu when placed into a bowling ball and then repeatedly smashing it against another tofu filled bowling ball… but that’s a story for another day).

  • Your brain consists of roughly 200 billion neurons – that’s by the way the number of stars in our milky way. And it creates hundreds of trillions of synapses throughout your lifespan.

  • Over 60 brain chemicals regulate the functions and transmit messages in your brain.

  • I could continue the list, but you probably got the gist by now that your brain is a finely tuned super machine.

So let me ask you, how much time do you spend nurturing your brain?
How much time do you spend tuning it?

I’d like to use a metaphor here: let’s assume your brain is a car. You know that you have to fuel it up, check on oil and tyre pressure and get it serviced occasionally. That's ‘nurture’. How often do you feed your brain what it needs, how often do you check that it runs efficiently – and do you know what to do if it doesn’t?

Let’s take this metaphor a step further: we all know that we can modify a car to optimise its performance – higher engine performance or dynamic handling characteristics or better fuel economy… That’s ‘tuning’. As much as our brain can be nurtured, it can be tuned to top performance. 

And let me be clear on this: ‘top performance’ means anything that is important to you – relationships, career, money, independence, purpose… you name it.

Do you know how to nurture, let alone tune your brain? Don’t feel bad if you don’t. Those skills have never been taught to us. And so, it’s only natural to think that your brain (your personality, your drive, your ambition, your emotions, your dreams and fears, thoughts, actions, beliefs, your decisions…) just functions the way it does with all its peaks and limitations.

The truth couldn't be further from this belief. Your brain is not only a super machine, it is also highly flexible, changeable and evolvable.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that it takes time. And that’s where many of you now might sigh and say: see, I don’t have time, it’s just too hard. Can I have a quick fix?

The answer is a definite ‘no’. Mastering any skill is time consuming, but when you learned to drive, you didn’t expect to instantly be as good a driver as Max Verstappen.

Please allow me to put our ‘use of time’ into some context. We spend around 40 minutes a day grooming our body. We also spend around 145 minutes a day on social media. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take a shower or chat with your friends. The point I’m making is that we spend our time where we put our attention and focus on.

Wouldn’t you like to learn how to look after your own superpower and grow it into anything you want? Meaningful relationships, healthy influence at work, an abundance of motivation, happiness?

PCM is one of the core methods that teaches us in a very short time a technique and skill how to keep us and our brain in balance and functioning in an ‘ok-ok’ way. Let us show you how.

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Werner Naef, PCM Master Trainer, presents an introduction into the fundamentals about how we function, what influences our behaviours and communication.

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